Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care 9e & workbookのセットです。Robert M. Kacmarek PhD RRT FAARC 等A leader in respiratory care education for more than 35 years, this comprehensive textbook lays a strong foundation for a successful career. You'll gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists (RTs), a scientific basis for treatment, and clinical applications. In-depth discussions progress from the principles of respiratory care to applied anatomy and physiology, assessment, discussion of specific respiratory illnesses, basic therapy, acute and critical care, and preventive and long-term care. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and Therapist Driven Protocols (TDPs) in appropriate chapters familiarize you with patient care guidelines and decision trees as they are used in practice.ハードカバー1384p写真の通り、天に微ヤケ、カバーにシワ若干ありますが、本文は未読状態で、ヤケもなく、非常にきれいです。workbookペーパーバック582p表紙に微スレと角ヨレ1カ所、裁断面にヤケ、ページ周りに微ヤケ箇所ありますが、本文は未読に近い状態です。手数料&送料込のセット価格、1セットのみです。併売による品切れの際はご容赦ください。